Selected category: marine art

Marine art sculptures created by artist Giannis Dendrinos. Find amazing modern art sculptures related to sea, boats, ships, maritime life and nautical way of living. Ask for custom creation of sculptures related to sea and ships from the artist.  We offer a broad selection of original maritime art metal sculptures made with different styles such as modern, classic or futuristic.

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Nautical art , 850.00 inc. VAT

Marine art sculptures created by artist Giannis Dendrinos. Find amazing modern art sculptures related to sea, boats, ships, maritime life and nautical way of living. Ask for custom creation of sculptures related to sea and ships from the artist.  We offer a broad selection of original maritime art metal sculptures made with different styles such as modern, classic or futuristic.

Marine art , 920.00 inc. VAT

Marine art sculptures created by artist Giannis Dendrinos. Find amazing modern art sculptures related to sea, boats, ships, maritime life and nautical way of living. Ask for custom creation of sculptures related to sea and ships from the artist.  We offer a broad selection of original maritime art metal sculptures made with different styles such as modern, classic or futuristic.

Nautical gift sculpture , 580.00 inc. VAT

Marine art sculptures created by artist Giannis Dendrinos. Find amazing modern art sculptures related to sea, boats, ships, maritime life and nautical way of living. Ask for custom creation of sculptures related to sea and ships from the artist.  We offer a broad selection of original maritime art metal sculptures made with different styles such as modern, classic or futuristic.

Steampunk art sculpture , 500.00 inc. VAT

Marine art sculptures created by artist Giannis Dendrinos. Find amazing modern art sculptures related to sea, boats, ships, maritime life and nautical way of living. Ask for custom creation of sculptures related to sea and ships from the artist.  We offer a broad selection of original maritime art metal sculptures made with different styles such as modern, classic or futuristic.

boat art , 600.00 inc. VAT

Marine art sculptures created by artist Giannis Dendrinos. Find amazing modern art sculptures related to sea, boats, ships, maritime life and nautical way of living. Ask for custom creation of sculptures related to sea and ships from the artist.  We offer a broad selection of original maritime art metal sculptures made with different styles such as modern, classic or futuristic.